
Dungeons! Where adventures are had! Where monsters live! But what is it like to live in one? And how do monsters go about making a dungeon a home? In the land of Splendore, there’s a team of monsters whose quest is to aid in the buying, selling, renovation and flipping of dungeons, keeps and crypts. The Dungeon Flippers!


Maulie is a manticore and still new to the realms of real-estate. She specializes at knowing just what a dungeon needs to suit each of her clients. Maulie is blessed (or cursed) with home renovation visions that she can only share with Cleaveland, and hopes to use her new career to rebuild her broken childhood home.


Cleaveland is a dragon and son of Cairn, the mighty broker of the Dungeon Flippers. He has spent his life dedicated to the family business, starting the day he was hatched. While he has given little thought to his future, Cleaveland takes his job as Splendore's best real-estate agent one day at a time. 

Welcome to Splendore!

The land of Splendore is a fantasy realm in the midst of the eternal struggle between Good and Evil. Monsters and magic run wild, threatening to turn the world upside-down! It's a place of wild nature and arcane mystery, it's land of dazzling dungeons, caves and monstrous cities both charming and ferocious!